Since 1998, Dr. Lucia Capacchione and Dr. Marsha Nelson have conducted programs for professionals with a year-long work-study curriculum, Creative Journal Expressive Arts (CJEA) Training & Certification.
A program for certification to teach and coach others using Dr. Capacchione’s CREATIVE JOURNAL EXPRESSIVE ARTS METHOD. Completion enables professionals to apply and integrate Dr. Capacchione’s methods in their on-going work or to create an adjunct practice in coaching, teaching and group leadership in the Method.
The Level One training is an online distance learning program to be completed in 19 months. Level Two intensives are offered in advanced theory and techniques for certified instructors who have graduated from Level One. Visioning® Coaching Training is a post-graduate program offered annually to Certified CJEA Practitioners. For more information about Visioning® Coaching, please visit: visioningcoach.org and visioningcoach.blogspot.com.
Continuing Education Units are available for all of these training programs.
Field supervision includes reading assignments, marketing and project coaching with Dr. Nelson, and personal mentoring with a CJEA certified instructor
Creative Journal methodology and techniques
Applications of the method in education and all areas of health care
Expressive Arts as medicine, Body/Mind work
Inner Child/Inner Family work originated by Dr. Capacchione
Multi-media exploration in movement, sound, music, drama, Voice Dialogue, visual art, sculpture, poetry, collage and more
Integration of Expressive Arts Therapy with other modalities
Meditation and spiritual practice techniques
Business and marketing for professionals
Private therapy and counseling, especially for survivors of abuse
Public school systems (kindergarten through college)
Training and in-service programs for health care professionals
Stress management seminars
Programs for senior citizens
Classes in art, writing and creativity and graduate school courses
Spiritual retreat centers and conferences for spiritual directors
Hospitals, recovery clinics and mental health facilities
Support groups for persons with life threatening illnesses
Prisons and rehabilitation centers
Job outplacement and career counseling centers
Corporations and other institutions
Dr. Capacchione’s work is being used in many countries. Her books have been translated into 20 languages, including Chinese, Taiwanese, Korean, German, French, Spanish, Japanese, Portuguese, Farsi, Turkish and Hebrew.
Bachelor’s degree (or the equivalent in life and work experience). Exceptions made on an individual basis. Professional experience as a therapist, nurse, physician, health care practitioner, body worker, career counselor, spiritual director, addictions or recovery counselor, arts educator, teacher, corporate/organizational trainer or other helping professional. Commitment to one’s own personal growth using Creative Journal Expressive Arts Methods. Dedication to sharing this method with others on a professional basis in one-on-one or group work.
Tuition fees only listed below.
Fees paid in installments
Non-refundable registration/administrative fee: $220 USD
Tuition for first series of online classes with Dr. Capacchione: $1,850
Introductory Intensive at beginning of training: $1850
Tuition for second series of online classes with Dr. Capacchione: $1,500
Assist at workshops conducted by Dr. Capacchione, Dr. Nelson or other master teacher (4 days): $440
Field work Supervision: $1,500 (paid in quarterly installments)
Consists of assignments under the direction of Dr. Marsha Nelson, field supervisor. These include reading, reports, planning and marketing workshops, and other applications of CJEA methods.