Co-Founder and Director of the Creative Journal Expressive Arts (CJEA) Certification Training Program, Author, International Speaker, CJEA Consultant, and Workshop Leader
Serving: Central Coast, CA; International
Phone: (805) 546-1424
Email: Email Me
Website: www.luciac.com
Website: www.visioningcoach.org
Website: www.visioningcoach.blogspot.com
Marsha Nelson, Ph.DTraining Supervisor and Instructor, Creative Journal Expressive Arts Training Program & Visioning® Coach Training. Co-Founder of the Creative Journal Expressive Arts Certification Training Program, Supervisor of CJEA Training Program, Psychologist and International Speaker. Specialty is Marketing Creative Journal Expressive Arts to business, schools, police departments, psychological communities. Public speaker for professional conferences. Have taught classes in England, Ireland, Canada, and USA.
Serving: San Antonio; International
Phone: cell/text: (956) 802-9993
Email: Email Me
Website: www.project-insight.net
Website: www.CJ4Schools.com
Website: www.marshanelsonphd.com
Certified CJEA Instructor, Life Coach, Workshop Leader & Public Speaker. Specializing in dream work, self-discovery, mid-life issues, body image, and grief work.
Serving: Homebase Peeples Valley, Arizona.
Phone: (602) 300-8846
Email: Email Me
Website: www.claireperkins.com
Kathy Bryant, MRE, CJEA, CVLFExpressive Arts & Personal Growth Coach, Spiritual Director, Counseling with individuals, groups and organizations, Retreat & Workshop Leader, Labyrinth Facilitator, Certified Visioning® Coach.
Serving: Arizona
Phone: 620-352-0073
Email: Email Me
Artist, Creativity Workshop Facilitator, Educator
Serving: Claremont, CA
Phone: (909) 621-1630
Email: empreston6@gmail.com
Resource for: Designer, Artist and CJEA Group Facilitator and Private Consultant. Offering wellness and retreat workshops
Phone: (951) 833-5839
Email: Email Me
Individual, Marital, and Family Therapy, Certified Instructor: Creative Journal Expressive Arts, Certified Instructor: Personal Coaching Workshop Leader
Serving: Southern California
Phone: (562) 429-6552
Email: mailto:McBrideMFT@aol.com
Certified CJEA Instructor, Certified Visioning® Coach
Serving: Southern California
Email: gardnerladylee@yahoo.com
CJEA practitioner offering CJEA methods to private clients
Serving: Southern California
Phone: (858) 401-0973
Email: jose12toez@gmail.com
CJEA Practitioner, Artist, Seeker and Healer, Grief Recovery Specialist, work with Military Veterans. Certified Life Coach, 39 years in 12 step recovery work, Facilitator for one-on-one, as well as groups and retreats. Specializing in Veterans Issues, bereavement and working with 12 step recovery individuals and groups, children and adolescents.
Serving: Montclair, CA, in person and distance work via Zoom.
Phone: 909-465-1059
Cell: 909-663-8700
Email: oldrthndrt@msn.com
Certified CJEA Practitioner, Mosaic Artist, Teaching Artist, Advocate. Specializing in play and recruiting reluctant ones to join in. Offering: Workshops, Groups, and Retreats available using CJEA methods in career changes, kicking your Inner Critic to the curb, and self-care.
Serving: Los Angeles and working virtually on Zoom, Skype.
Phone: (310) 384-8605
Creative Journal Expressive Arts Coaching, group work, special education, preschool.
Serving: Los Angeles and working virtually on Zoom, Skype.
Phone: 909-630-9842
Email: E-mail Me
Co-Founder and Director of the Creative Journal Expressive Arts (CJEA) Certification Training Program, Author, International Speaker, CJEA Consultant, and Workshop Leader
Serving: Central Coast, CA; International
Phone: (805) 546-1424
Email: lucia@luciac.com
Website: www.luciac.com
Website: www.visioningcoach.org
Website: www.visioningcoach.blogspot.com
Suzette MorrowArtist, Creativity Workshop Facilitator
Serving: California
Phone: 805.927.2424
Email: Email Me
Dorothy SegoviaCertified CJEA Facilitator, Certified Visioning® Coach, Specialties At-Risk Youth, Writing and Editing, Singer/Songwriter/Performer on Guitar
Serving: Central Coast of California, Southern California
Phone: (805) 259-5727
Email: Email Me
Website: www.DorothySegovia.com
Lisa TanzmanPhilanthropic Facilitator Extraordinaire, Founder & Director of Camp Program for Abused Children in Foster Care, CEO International Merchandising Company
Serving: Central Coastal, CA & United States
Phone: 805-927-1900
Email: Email Me
Website: www.InTheory.com
Marlena Tanner, R, CEDRD-SLead Program Dietitian-Supervisor
Serving: Central Coast Treatment Center 508 Higuera Street, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
Phone: (805) 591- 0712 Fax: (805) 594-1460
Email: Email Me
Website: www.CentralCoastTreatmentCenter.com
Carlota Santa Cruz, M.A.Certified CJEA instructor, offering classes, group workshops and private sessions for youth and adults of all ages: Facilitator, Coach, Public Speaker. Providing Service in person and on-line.
Serving: Paso Robles and Central Coast
Phone: 805-221-5608
Email: Email Me
Website: www.CarlotaSantaCruz.com
Ashley J. Smith MS, LMFT, RYT200, & Certified Clinician:Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Certified Instructor: CJEA
Serving: California Central Coast
Email: Email Me
Stephanie Houser, MSCJEA instructor who offers group and individual sessions.
Serving: Paso Robles, CA and Central Coast
Phone: 805.345.0746
Email: Email Me
Tracey CleelandCreative Journal Expressive Arts Facilitator and Visioning® Coach, Essential Oils and Wellness Educational Consultant, Certified Aroma Touch Technician. Offering Individual and Group Sessions- Youth and Adults. Mind*Body Wellness for Healthy Living.
Serving: Central Coast, California extending worldwide via virtual meeting room & travel availability.
Phone: (805) 801-9775
Email: Email Me
Educator & Consultant
Serving: Fresno, CA
Phone: (559) 221-9281
Resource for: Creative Journal Expressive Arts facilitator for one-on-one, as well as for groups and retreats. Expressive arts workshops for education and business settings. One-on-one and small group work focused on reclaiming the inner artist, inner child recovery, and developing a creative practice. Offerings include Creative Journaling, SoulCollage®, Intuitive Painting, and more. Individual sessions are available via Skype or Zoom.
Serving: San Francisco Bay Area, CA
Phone: (408) 771-5351
Email: Email Me
Connie CummingHealth and Wellness, Women’s Empowerment, and Youth
Serving: Salinas, CA
Phone: 831.595.7766
Email: Email Me
Shelly PlathCJEA Facilitator, areas of expertise: Transitioning in the Corporate World, Retirement & Geriatrics
Serving: San Francisco Bay Area, California
Phone: (210) 854-3392
Email: Email Me
Certified CJEA Instructor, Painting & Journal Workshop Facilitator
Serving: Carbondale, Colorado
Phone: (970) 623-2623
Email: Email Me
Creative Journal Expressive Arts Coaching
Serving: Connecticutt
Phone: 732-597-1479
Email: Email Me
Creative Journal Expressive Arts Facilitator offering individual and group sessions.
Serving: St Simons Island, GA and surrounding area.
Phone: 912-230-9917 and 912-996-3195
Email: Email Me
Resource for: Value based Self Care and Management Strategies utilizing Creative Journal Expressive Arts, Visioning®, Co-Active Coaching and Whole Brain Integration techniques and tools
Serving: Nantucket, MA and Melbourne, FL Available for workshops worldwide
Phone: (508) 325-2625
Email: Email Me
Tatiana Naranjo, MSCertified CJEA instructor, offering classes, group workshops and private sessions for youth and adults of all ages both in English and Spanish
Serving: South West Florida / Colombia and Worldwide via Zoom
Phone: (786) 515-7254
Email: miotramano@gmail.com
CJEA Facilitator specializing in Corporations throughout the country dealing with workplace relationships. I will do 4 hour – full day seminars. I work with Laraine Chamberlain doing group sessions.
Serving: The western United States but will consider other places.
Phone: 678-482-0535
Email: Email Me
Website: www.chamberlainleadershipgroup.com
Laraine ChamberlainCJEA Facilitator and Visioning Coach with individuals and groups. Specialty is sexual abuse, marriage relationships and working with teenagers. I also work with Chuck Chamberlain doing group sessions.
Serving: I work with Skype so I am not limited to a geographical area.
Phone: 404-641-8957
Email: Email Me
Website: www..com
Expressive Arts & Personal Growth Coach, Registered Nurse, Artist, Health & Wellness Consultant. Owner and Principal of Mindful Living Productions
Serving: Chicago, IL
Phone: (773) 412-9209
Email: Email Me
Website: www.mindfullivingproductions.com
Karen Hart SignoreCreative Journal Expressive Arts Workshops and Coaching, Reiki Practitioner
Serving: Illinois
Phone: 708-860-7813
Email: Email Me
Chaya Sarah Kost, MA, LPCCertified CJEA Facilitator, Licensed Professional Counselor, Neurofeedback Technician, Zoom Technician. Serving Children, Adolescents, and Adults
Serving: Chicago, IL and available for Virtual Workshops and Summits
Email: csyk07@gmail.com
C.J.E.A Teaching, Coaching and Mentoring in Personal Growth and Happiness Development, Recreational Therapy, Certified Visioning® Coach
Serving: Silver Spring, Maryland and suburban Washington, D.C.
Phone: (301) 384-0314
Email: Email Me
Creative Journal Expressive Arts Coaching
Serving: Maryland
Phone: 443-929-0046
Email: Email Me
Consultant and Workshop Leader, Certified Visioning® Coach
Serving: Belchertown, MA; Southern New England
Phone: (413) 323-6653
Email: Email Me
Patience KillenResource for: Value based Self Care and Management Strategies utilizing Creative Journal Expressive Arts, Visioning®, Co-Active Coaching and Whole Brain Integration techniques and tools
Serving: Nantucket, MA and Melbourne, FL and Available for workshops worldwide
Phone: (508) 325-2625
Email: Email Me
Resource for: Certified Creative Journal Expressive Arts Facilitator and Life Coach offering workshops, groups and individual sessions
Phone: (609) 577-6336
Email: Email Me
Chaya ReissCJEA Consultant & Facilitator, children, teens & adults
Serving: Lakewood
Phone: 732-575-6911
Email: Email Me
Lisa Brown, M.A.Teacher, Artist, Certified Visioning® Coach, Facilitator for “Picture of Health” and “Living With Feelings” Workshops (specializing in cancer patients and their families, 911 victims, and other health related groups), M.A. in Creative Arts Eduation, B.A. in Art Education
Serving: Northern NJ and surrounding areas
Phone: (908) 561-9226
Email: Email Me
Website: www.art-as-therapy.com
Esther RappaportCertified CJEA Facilitator, Relationship Photographer & LifePix Relationships Podcast host. Serving: Couples
Serving: New Jersey
Email: Email Me
Margaret Rotatori SmithArtist, Art Teacher & Owner at THE STUDIO art school in Westfield, NJ., Certified CJEA facilitator specializing in foster youth, children, teens and divorceCASA volunteer.
Serving: NJ and NYC in person and offering online sessions.
Phone: (917) 974-7829
Email: Email Me
Website: www.createatthestudio.com
Certified CJEA Instructor – working with children , teens , and adults
Serving: Rockland County
Phone: 845-642-7095
Email: Email Me
Dina Fogel MendlowitzWorking with women and children who are experiencing emotional and stress issues.
Serving: Monsey
Phone: 845.428.4138
Email: Email Me
Hudi GugenheimerCertified Creative Journal Expressive Arts Facilitator Working with individuals, families and groups, all ages.
Serving: Spring Valley
Phone: 845-641-9678
Nechama WachsmanCJEA Consultant, Instructor
Serving: Far Rockaway
Email: Email Me
Tehilla FaimanCreative Journal Expressive Arts Workshop Facilitator
Serving: Spring Valley
Phone: (845) 746-8449
Email: Email Me
Dini EttingerCertified CJEA instructor: Working with adults and youth in schools, private workshops, and individual client session.
Serving: New York
Phone: (845) 445-5504
Email: Email Me
Lori Jo Siegel, M.S.Elementary and Early Childhood Education, Teacher, Artist, Singer Songwriter. Certified CJEA instructor working with children, tweens, teens and adults in libraries, workshops and individual client sessions.
Serving: Westchester County, NY and Duchess County, NY and surrounding areas
Phone: (914)715-7360
Email: Email Me
Certified Visioning ® Coach, Creative Journal Expressive Arts Facilitator, Creative Director of Sublime Signs LLC
Serving: Metro Area – Oklahoma City
Phone: (405) 473-7149
Email: Email Me
Website: www.thejoyspring.com
Lynda Toney~bahrArtist, Certified Childbirth Educator, Sexual Abuse & Women’s Issues Groups, 12-Step Recovery Groups (alcohol, drugs, eating disorders), Workshop Leader, Spiritual Retreats
Serving: Bethany
Phone: (405) 816-3283
Email: Email Me
Vicki L. Muir, M.Ed., M.S.W., L.C.S.W.Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Therapist, Certified Visioning® Coach, Consultant, Supervision, Workshop Leader, Lecturer, Photographer
Serving: Oklahoma City
Phone: (405) 359-4878
Email: Email Me
Creative Journal Expressive Arts Facilitator offering individual and group sessions. Incorporates CJEA work with women in transition, children impacted by divorce or bullying, and people impacted by trauma, chronic pain, or substance addiction
Serving: Oregon
Phone: (808)268-1372
Email: Email Me
Website: www.bartlemuscounseling.com
Certified Teacher, Certified CJEA Instructor, Certified Visioning® Coach, CJEA Applications with Children & Adults, Workshop Leader for teens, parents, and teachers
Serving: Rio Grande Valley, South Texas
Phone: (956) 207-2895
Email: Email Me
Jessica Marie OchoaCertified CJEA facilitator and instructor, H.O.P.E. Cancer survivor support group instructor, CJEA Applications workshops
Serving: Rio Grande Valley, South Texas
Phone: (956) 867-5592
Email: Email Me
Website: http://jessicamochoa.wixsite.com/website-1
Sandra RodriguezCertified CJEA Facilitator & Visioning® Coach, working with individuals and groups, adults and at-risk youth
Serving: Rio Grande Valley, South Texas
Phone: (956) 571-0060
Email: Email Me
Mary Lou GonzalezMental Health & Pain Management Specialist, CJEA Coach
Serving: Mission
Phone: (956) 534-3036
Email: Email Me
Ernestina (Tina) LanfrancoMental Heath Professional, CJEA Facilitator
Serving: McAllen, Texas
Phone: 956-821-4985
Email: Email Me
Dr. Patti FeliciResource for: Certified in CJEA, candidate for certification in Visioning®; specializing in health issues and concerns
Serving: Rio Grande Valley, Texas
Phone: (956) 971-0040
Email: Email Me
Website: www.theonewellnesscenter.com
Debbie WilsonCreative Journal Expressive Arts Workshop Facilitator
Serving: McAllen, TX
Phone: 956.313.6603
Email: Email Me
Vasquez, Christina A., LPC, M.Ed., CARTResource for:Certified CJEA coach. Works in private practice offering individual and family counseling. Also, consults using CJEA methods with business and schools motivating and inspiring lives.
Phone: 956-532-5506
Email: Email Me
Expressive Arts Coach, Workshop Facilitator and Creativity Coach
Serving: Wimberly, TX
Phone: (512) 847-9421
Email: Email Me
Website: www.creativityinnature.com
Bob WrightC.J.E.A. Facilitator, Instructor, Cancer Survivor specialist.
Serving: Austin, TX
Phone: (956) 457-9378
Email: Email Me
Noelie B. Day, M.DivCreativity Workshop Facilitator, Educator
Serving: Austin, TX
Phone: 713.248.8958
Email: Email Me
Educator, C.J.E.A. Instructor
Serving: El Paso TX
Phone: (915) 581-8391
Email: Email Me
Website: www.imastarlikeyou.com/
Retired Pastor, Presbyterian Church, Consultant with a focus on Spirituality and Emotional Healing, Certified Visioning® Coach
Serving: Houston, Texas
Phone: 713-665-5463
Email: Email Me
Connie Wildey, MSW, LCSWSocial Worker in private practice
Serving: Houston & Galveston area, Texas
Phone: (281) 543-3113; cell phone: (713) 248-3968
Email: Email Me
Training Supervisor and Instructor, Creative Journal Expressive Arts Training Program & Visioning® Coach Training. Co-Founder of the Creative Journal Expressive Arts Certification Training Program, Supervisor of CJEA Training Program, Psychologist and International Speaker. Specialty is Marketing Creative Journal Expressive Arts to business, schools, police departments, psychological communities. Public speaker for professional conferences. Have taught classes in England, Ireland, Canada, and USA.
Serving: San Antonio; International
Phone: cell/text: (956) 802-9993
Email: Email Me
Website: www.project-insight.net
Website: www.cj4schools.com
Website: www.marshanelsonphd.com
Dan NelsonCreative Journal Expressive Arts Workshop Facilitator
Serving: South Texas
Phone: 956.605.7085
Email: Email Me
Consultant, Instructor
Serving: Fremont, California
Email: Email Me
Chuck ChamberlainCJEA Facilitator specializing in Corporations throughout the country dealing with workplace relationships. I will do 4 hour – full day seminars. I work with Laraine Chamberlain doing group sessions.
Serving: The western United States but will consider other places.
Phone: 678-482-0535
Email: Email Me
Website: www.chamberlainleadershipgroup.com
Laraine ChamberlainCJEA Facilitator and Visioning Coach with individuals and groups. Specialty is sexual abuse, marriage relationships and working with teenagers. I also work with Chuck Chamberlain doing group sessions.
Serving: I work with Skype so I am not limited to a geographical area.
Phone: 404-641-8957
Email: Email Me
Website: www.chamberlainleadershipgroup.com
Resource for: CJEA workshops, inner child work incorporating crystal healing and Akashic record readings.
Phone: (202) 290-9083
Email: Email Me
Certified Creative Expressive Arts Facilitator
Serving: Everett, WA
Phone: (714) 876-7599
Email: Email Me
Tina RockCertified CJEA Instructor
Serving: Washington State
Phone: 818-929-2869
Email: Email Me
A Motivational Speaker whose contagious passion and unrelenting belief in the universal connections and power within each of us is a force for positive change, Mycah is committed to helping you develop your mental, spiritual, social, physical, financial and career aspirations and find strength and direction within. He nourishes your Self and inspires personal transformation.
Serving: International (worldwide)
Email: Email Me
Website: www.TePicaMycah.com
Certified CJEA instructor, offering classes, group workshops and private sessions for youth and adults of all ages both in English and Spanish
Serving: South West Florida / Colombia and Worldwide via Zoom
Phone: (786) 515-7254
Email: miotramano@gmail.com
Resource for: Certified Creative Journal Expressive Arts facilitator, Mindfulness instructor, healer, clairvoyant and psychic medium, artist, working with children’s learning and life disabilities as well as young and grownups with anxiety, stress and depression.
Serving: Denmark
Phone: 4087-5600
Email: Email Me
Website: www.soulhealing.dk
Dr., Registered Teacher, Life Coach, Play Facilitator and Trainer, Cancer Survivors Support & Picture of Health, Learning Support for Children and Teens
Serving: Bristol and North Devon, England
Phone: (44(0) 1598740594)
Email: Email Me
C.J.E.A. Instructor, Violence Prevention specialist, Certified Visioning® Coach
Serving: Helsinki, Finland, International
Phone: 358-50-598-8250
Email: Email Me
Resource for:Artist, Expressive Arts workshops facilitator, CJEA Certified Trainer, MA Expressive Art Therapy (CE). Serving: English, German, Ukrainian, Russian-speaking audience
Serving: Germany
Phone: +49 15906138968
Email: Email Me
Counseling Workshop Leader, Trainer of Trainers, Certified Visioning® Coach
Serving: Monaghan, Ireland
Phone: UK (353) 87412-9385, (US) 011 (353) 87412-9385
Email: Email Me
Website: www.mindbodyenergymatters.ie
Certified Creative Expressive Arts Facilitator, Therapist and Instructor Prodehum Institute. Private Practice: Family and couples therapy, workshops
Serving: Gomez Placio, Durango, MEXICO
Phone: 871-727-0392
Email: Email Me
Website: www.prodehum.edu.mx
Resource for:Certified Professional Life Coach, Creative Journal Expressive Arts Facilitator Private practice: personal growth (behavioral and self-esteem), sexual identity coaching for individuals and parents, workshop facilitator
Serving: Madrid, Spain
Phone: +34 660 06 97 38
Email: Email Me
Website: www.elenalorenzo.es
Resource for: Provides expressive arts workshops and methods to schools and youth mentoring programs in St. Croix
Serving: F’Sted, St. Croix, US Virgin IslandsF’Sted, St. Croix, US Virgin Islands
Phone: (340) 690-5942
Email: Email Me