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Here is a drawing I did in one of my first journals. It's called "Coping with Crisis." |
Another drawing done at this time was one that I called "Giving Birth to Myself." |
When I did these drawings I really had do idea what they meant. It was like having a dream on paper.
I was later to learn that I had tapped into the creative and healing power of my right brain (which specializes in visual/spatial perception as well as emotional and intuitive expression). But I didn't know that at the time. Frankly, I thought I was losing it. They looked like the paintings of mental patients you might see in the occupational therapy ward of a psychiatric hospital .
Yet, these odd little sketches intrigued me. It was as if I was writing in a foreign language that I didn't understand. The important thing was that I felt a lot better after I did these drawings. Something about doing this was healing me, although I couldn't tell you how or why. Later, I learned to read the language of symbols and decode these mysterious messages from the unconscious. Just as you will learn to do in keeping a Creative Journal.
Doing these drawings felt so therapeutic that I decided to keep a journal of my feelings and thoughts. My first "official journal" was a little blank book I had bought twenty years before when I was fifteen and thought I wanted to be a journalist . (How's that for prophetic wisdom?). I had never written a word in that book. But I started. And I have not stopped writing since. The Creative Journal healed me and led to a new career as an art therapist and author. I am pleased to share with you what I learned about the art of finding yourself.
The Creative Journal Method is unique because it develops both sides of the brain: the rational, verbal left hemisphere and the artistic, intuitive right hemisphere. Drawing is a right brain function, writing words is primarily a left brain activity. Using the non dominant hand helps to INTEGRATE the brain hemispheres. Writing with the hand you don't normally write with allows you to express - in words - feelings and intuitions associated with the little-used right side of the brain.