the Creative Journal Method Works
You'll be guided through a series of journal activities. Each one is taken
from one of my books. These journal exercises have been thoroughly field-tested
with hundreds of people of all ages and illustrations were contributed by
my clients and students. (You may want to submit your Creative Journal work
to me for possible inclusion in future programs.) You can e-mail me at:
or send hard copy to Lucia Capacchione, P.O. Box 1355,
Cambria, CA 93428.
The activities you will be doing are only a sampling of my work, (covering
twenty years of research and clinical practice). If you find The Creative
Journal Method useful, there is a wealth of material in my books and
tapes for application to your specific needs: physical healing, emotional
release, career and life planning, weight control, recovery from abuse and
addictions and more. My books and tapes are listed in my Bibliography.