the Creative Journal Method
The Creative Journal Method was developed by Dr. Lucia Capacchione,
internationally known author of thirteen books, including The
Creative Journal, The
Power of Your Other Hand and the bestselling, Recovery
of Your Inner Child. She is a registered Art Therapist and lecturer/workshop
leader. A pioneer in the field of creativity and healing, Dr. Capacchione
discovered the healing power of writing and drawing with the non-dominant
hand. She originated Inner Child Reparenting work and her book on the subject
has become a classic in the recovery field.
The Creative Journal Method has been endorsed by Bernie Siegel,
Joan Borysenko, Gerald Jampolsky, Louise Hay, Charles Whitfield and Melody
Beattie. The method is being used internationally for growth and healing
in such settings as:
counseling and health centers, hospitals and prisons
support groups for persons with AIDS, HIV positive and cancer
inner child workshops
treatment for addictions, recovery from abuse or trauma, prison
courses in creativity, writing & art
professional training in psychology and expressive arts therapies
talent and career seminars
weight management and body image workshops
childbirth preparation classes and teen mother groups
public elementary & secondary schools
Creative Journaling is a tool for:
- personal growth
- health and healing
- inner child work
- creativity development
- life planning
- career and talent development
- parenting kids and teenagers
- spiritual practice
The originator of this innovative and therapeutic approach to journaling invites
you to join her in an inward journey of discovery, healing and growth.